Essential Trowel Sets


North American Plasterers' Guild Set

Premier Hanyaki Application Trowel A101 270mm
Stainless Steel Square Trowel 0.6mm thick, 240mm

GL Plastic Finishing Trowel 1mm thick, 210mm

Premier Honyaki Finishing Trowel A351 180mm

Honyaki Yanageba Trowel C121 105mm

Honyaki Kimeguri Trowel C131 105mm

Honyaki Motokubi Curved Inside Corner Trowel D412 75mm long, 9mm diameter curve

Seven trowels for 37,000JPY


Starter Set

GL Aburayakai Application Trowel 240mm
GL Stainless Steel Finishing Trowel 0.3mm, 210mm

GL Plastic Finishing Trowel 1mm, 180mm

GL Chiri Trowel 45mm

Horse Hair Brush for Clean Tools and Wetting Wall

Small Brush for Detailed Cleaning

GL Plastic Hawk

Seven items for 27,000JPY



Basic Set of Six Essential Trowels

Premier Hanyaki Application Trowel A101 240mm
Honyaki Application and Finishing Trowel A231 210mm

Stainless Steel Namikeshi Trowel A602 0.2mm thick, 210mm long

Honyaki Square Trowel with pointed tip B211 0.5mm thick, 240mm long

Honyaki Yanageba Trowel C121 105mm
Honyaki Kimeguri Trowel C131 105mm

Six trowels for 33,720JPY

By purchasing a set of all six, you save 6,000JPY
