Application Trowels
Traditional Japanese Application Trowels
Premier Hanyaki Application Trowel A101
Primary application trowel used for applying and evening earth, lime, and cement based plasters.
Recommended length: 210 to 270mm
Premier Aburayaki Application Trowel A121
Application trowel used for applying and evening Shikkui, lime-sand and cement based plasters.
Recommended length: 210 to 270mm
Honyaki Application and Finishing Trowel A231
Application trowel used for applying and finishing earth, lime and and cement plasters.
Recommended length: 210 to 240mm
Honyaki Jinzo Trowel
Hard, thick honyaki steel used for compressing cement based plasters for a Terrazzo or exposed aggregate finishes.
Recommended Length: 210mm