Other Tools

Essential tools to accompany Japanese trowels and plasters.



GL Plastic Hawk

Resilient and durable plastic hawk with adjustable handle.

380mm x 300mm  6,220JPY


Wooden Hawk

Being softer than metal, wooden hawks protect trowels from damage. Egronomic design. Can be set down without spilling material. Designed to be held in one's left hand while the trowel is held in one's right.





Mixing Propeller

 Essential mixing propeller for fiberous plasters such as Shikkui and other Japanese plasters. Accommodates shaft up to 12mm in diameter.





S Mixing Propeller and Shaft

Designed specifically for mixing Shikkui lime plaster and other fiberous plasters such as base coat and brown coat earth plasters. M12 thread. 20cm and 25cm diameter propeller and 55cm shaft.

S Mixing Propeller Only 13,380JPY

S Mixing Propeller and Shaft 16,740JPY

 IMG 0585 2 minIMG 0586 min



Stainless Steel Shaku Ladle

 Excellent at fine tuning plaster mixes by adding small amounts of water or material. Comfortable wooden handle with stainless steel cup that resists rusting.




Rubber Spatula

Excellent tool for cleaning buckets and bowls.





Scratch Pad

Used when creating a scratched finish with cement based plasters. Easily fits in the palm of one's hand.




Custom made Japanese Brand

Individually used to brand personal trowel handles, wooden tools, tool boxes, etc. 

Possible scripts includes: Kanji (Chinese characters), HiraganaKatakana, and English

Assistance provided for writing foreign names in Japanese.

1 character is roughly 15mm by 15mm (half inch by half inch) 

1 character      7,640JPY

2 characters    9,370JPY
3 characters  11,110JPY
4 characters  13,420JPY
5 characters  16,310JPY

Additional custom designs also possible


 For example, one character in Katakana script: 「カ」 pronounced "ka"


 Two Chinese Characters pronounced like the English name "Gary"

 芸 (art, craft, artistic skill, technique)

 理 (reason, principle, logic, and in Chinese philosophy, the underlying principles of the cosmos)